Painless Hair Transplant

Painless Hair Transplant


Hair transplantation is generally performed under local anesthesia. Naturally, the first questions that come to one’s mind are: Is painless hair transplantation possible and is it a very painful operation? The use of local anesthesia and medication for relaxation allows the patients to sit, watch movies, listen to music or comfortably nap during their procedure.


  • Number of Sessions – 1
  • 7-8 hours Operation Time
  • Permanent Persistence of Results
  • No Hospitalization
  • 3-15 Days Sensitivity Time
  • 3 Days Time to Return to Work
  • Sedation and Local Anesthesia
  • Perennial service
  • Is Painless Hair Transplant A Reality?

    For those who do not know, hair transplant can be referred to as a process where you tend to get hair on the thinning or bald areas of the scalp. Unfortunately, there was a time when people had no answer for how to deal with hair thinning, and it often ended up looking quite vicious. Not only that, thinning of hair is not only attributed to age but is also seen to be a common side effect of many chronic diseases. But, again, such is the lifestyle for each of us today that hair loss has repeatedly proven to be a sad repercussion of our daily life. n such a scenario, the only answer is to go for a professional hair transplant. But at the same time, people often do not know what the process is like. The lack of knowledge creates speculation, so it is essential to have a complete idea about the same. It is true that when hair transplant as a process first started, it was attributed to pain, and this is because the technology surrounding the same was not advanced. However, we have now tried to ensure this is not the case anymore. Adornor’s Advanced Hair and Skin Solutions aim to deploy the most advanced techniques for transplant-related needs. It is our utmost duty to understand that for a process like a hair transplant, people have a lot of doubts; hence, if the process can be made painless, it will be helpful to all. To ensure you can get complete knowledge about this aspect, we have tried to break down the facets!

    How Painless Hair Transplantation Works

    Why is it so that the transplantation process will at all be painful? After all, it is just getting hair to those areas of your scalp with bald patches or narrowing hair lines. But this is a very layperson understanding of the process. An essential thing that needs to be said here is that in most cases, you will see that hair transplantation is the last resort when all other mediums of hair restoration have failed. Hence this is an entirely foolproof process with very few or no chances of falling back. Now you might wonder how it works. Here the professionals tend to samples of tiny grafts or patches of skin from your body where there is healthy hair growth. Once the patches have been taken, these are studied to understand better how the skin is and the complications one might face. After the same has been ascertained, further hair transplantation begins, where the bald patches are covered with hair grafts in your scalp. Then, healthy hair grafts are put in place of the bald patches. As you might understand from the process, this is entirely surgical. Previously, when the concept started, there were no doubts about the fact that it was a painful process. However, the equipment has become so well developed that you do not need to do much. Not only that, when the hair grafts are taken, it ensures that you do not feel the pain because this is done with the help of highly advanced equipment Dentapen.

    Use Of Dentapen

    We can say with conviction that when it comes to DentaPen, there are no two ways that this is the best technology. It is a robotic syringe known to be nothing less than a cutting-edge device. So what is the use of the same? Well, this is a computer-controlled system that ensures that the local anesthesia delivery system makes injections absolutely pain-free. Not only does it make the process easier, but the pen also has some other implications. Not only that, but the pen is also known to have significant implications because it makes the healing process much more accessible than ever. The primary reason behind this is that we do not cause any staples or stitches on the scalp, which might complicate the recovery process. When it comes to the painless hair transplant process, you have to remember that quality is a critical need. You can even go through our client feedback portal, which will help you to understand how we work and whether it can be trusted. Once you get in touch with us, we will help you with an appointment date, and on that date, you will get assistance from our professionals, who will guide you through the process. Painless hair transplant is beneficial as a process and can help many individuals.

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