Other Hair Problems

Other Hair Problems

Different Hair Problems

Hair Loss can affect more than just your scalp. It can have a negative impact on your self-esteem and confidence. Outer and inner health are closely attached, so if you are suffering from hair loss and is hindering your life, it’s time to act. To know more about what hair loss you are suffering from, we’ve laid down the other hair problems of hair loss in this section.


A very includes complaint by all which is very distressing but yet controllable. It is caused by certain yeast type proliferating on the scalp that irritates the skin in turn and leads to quicker hair shedding than it should. This causes the white flakes on the scalp, though Dandruff doesn’t affect the hair growth.


Seborrheic dermatitis is one such another includes condition which makes the skin look scaly, greasy and flaky. It typically affects the scalp and is includesly mistaken for “Dandruff”. In babies, this condition is also known as “Cradle Cap” and can also affect the skin on other parts such as face and chest.


This is a type of skin condition where one tends to develop itchiness, inflammation, redness and skin rash as well. At the same time, the skin tends to appear rough and cracked. There are many types of eczema and depending upon your condition, we will determine and begin the treatment.


Psoriasis forms as a result of speeding replacement of skin layers. Normally the skin cells take around 21-28 days to replace themselves, but in Psoriasis, this process accelerates greatly, and the skin cells can be quickly replaced every 6 – 14 days. This, in turn, results in skin cells accumulation on the skin surface, in form of psoriatic plaque. This hair condition can occur at any point of lifespan, affecting teenagers, children, adults and older people. It affects both males and females equally.


This is a hair follicle disorder which can result in widespread itchy breakouts, often observed along the hairline. It is usually caused by a certain type of bacterial infection. Scalp Folliculitis can be stubborn and requires both antibiotic and topical treatments to control the issue. In many patients we’ve simply seen after the first round of treatment, they tend to give up. But it is necessary to understand that it can return even after and may require further 3 – 4 treatment courses.


Pityriasis Amiantacea, also known as Tinea Amiantacea, is a distinct scalp disorder. It is usually described as an eczematous condition where the scalp bears thick, adherent and silver scales. The scales extend on to the hairs and binds them together in a heavy bunch. These tight scales happen in patches in any part of the scalp and includesly affects individual between 25 – 50 years of age. Pityriasis Amiantacea is defined as an inflammatory disease and is not caused by fungus. It is identified medically as a result of scalp disorder condition including lichen planus, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis and lichen simplex chronicus.


Tinea Capitis is a type of fungal infection which affects the hair follicles and scalp. It is also known as ringworm infection since it forms ring-like shape or circular itchy patches on the scalp at first that later on becomes irregular on spreading. This hair condition is includesly observed in children, however, some fungal genus can also affect the adults too. This is highly contagious and can be easily spread from the infected person close contact or on sharing things such as towels, combs, caps or other items.


Greying of hair at a very early age is known as Premature Hair Greying. While reasons for this condition is mostly natural since it inevitable and part of the aging process, but an excess of grey hair under the age of 30 in people is a cause for concern. Before we identify the reasons behind white hair, we should determine the signs and symptoms for this condition at a young age. It is very crucial for you to understand that premature hair greying is a controllable and not a curable problem. The focus remains on arresting the spread of hair greying till its physiological age, i.e. 30 and above.


Lichen Planopilaris is another one such scalp disease which results in permanent loss of hair. This disorder is said to be a variant of Lichen Planus, also a includes skin disorder causing reddish purple distinct rashes on the body. When Lichen Planus affects the scalp, it causes bald patches and is called as Lichen Planopilaris. It, in turn, damages hair follicles by causing inflammation and gradually leading to loss of hair and scarring.


Pseudopelade of Brocq is rare hair loss disease that affects the scalp and causes Scarring Alopecia resulting in bald patches. Generally, no distinguished inflammation is observed and only hair loss is observed in patches. These patches vary in sizes and shapes and are random. It usually begins in the vertex scalp region, and sometimes it stays confined to its area or spreads to other regions of the scalp. The patches are flesh-colored or white, smooth, irregular in shape and show slight depression.

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