Laser Treatment

Laser Treatment


Best laser treatment

Whether it is unwanted signs of aging or unwanted hair, Laser Treatment can answer to those people seeking permanent solutions to these problems. This non-invasive and non-surgical option for treatment has quickly become a desirable choice among people who hope to look good and do not have time which is related to the recovery period post the aesthetic surgery.

What is the Laser Treatment?

A relatively new form of medical approach, Laser Therapy makes use of ultrasonic wavelengths. The full form of LASER is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiations. This type of treatment involves tuning the light effectively, using specific wavelengths for emission to create controlling beams.

As a type of medical treatment, it is used for precision, wherein specific body areas are subjected to beam for further prevention to surrounding area from damage. Compared to the traditional approach, laser treatments results in faster recovery and less pain.

Our laser treatment includes hair removal process and skin treatments by using Limelight Laser, delivering effective hair removal and skin rejuvenation and also anti-aging effect as well. As a part of this treatment, we offer to work on the following treatments:

  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Anti-Aging Spots Treatments
  • Skin Tightening (Radio Frequency)
  • Moles & Warts Treatments
  • Stretch Mark Removal / Painless Hair Removal / Acne & Scar Removal / Tattoo Removal
  • Pigmentation & Discolouration Removal (Limelight)
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